Vol. II No. 3 03/09/2025
Hidden Motives
Just today, when discussing this project of mine, I was told some folks ask, "What's he running for now?" The answer is absolutely nothing.
I cannot imagine every running for office outside of Stockbridge again. In Stockbridge, I've got a year left in my term on the Select Board. Being a select board member is really hard work for really low pay. I've also got a great job as the CFO of a Stockbridge nonprofit, and our signature project, the renovation of Old Town Hall, should be complete by the beginning of this summer. I haven't decided if "what's next" is even a question, let alone formulated an answer. It most certainly does not include running for a district level position ever again.
If anyone asks you why I do this, here's the real answer. I like to write, and I like to keep folks informed of what is going on. I have my whole life. At Monument Mountain, I was editor-in-chief of the school paper, Maroon Reflections. At Boston College, I was elected editor-in-chief of The Heights my sophomore year. Like those gigs from my youth, this one is a hobby. I don't have the talent or reach of local published columnists, let alone national ones. That said, a lot of folks have signed up to read these deep dives, and I like to think there is still room in our pluralist society for many voices to share their ideas.
Read it or don't. That's entirely up to you. I like to think that if you do, you will be better informed.
The Reader: Pass It On!
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