Vol. I No. 1 12/1/2024
Join Us in Helping Our Neighbors!

For nearly 300 years, we've been celebrating Christmas in Stockbridge. Throughout these centuries, the holidays remind us that small acts of kindness nurture the soul of the individual and the character of a people. Why are we doing this gift drive? Well, it's like this. If money is tight for a family, I want the kids to still get presents. For our senior and community housing residents, most of them are single. I want everyone to get at least one gift to unwrap.
I asked three people and got four folks who've given $600! (My sister and I are in for $200 each!) So, we are 20% of the way there. If you can spare $50 or $100, we can brighten a whole lot of our neighbors' holidays, at least a little bit.
Thank you. And remember to hug the ones you love.
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