Vol. I No. 1 12/1/2024
Historic Stockbridge Mohican Commission Launches
By Patrick White

November 25th marked the inaugural meeting of the Stockbridge Mohican Commission. The Commission includes three appointees of the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohicans and three of the Town of Stockbridge. Shannon Holsey, The Tribe’s President, Bonney Hartley, and Sherry White are representing the Tribe. Patrick White, Rich Bradway, and Rick Wilcox are representing the Town of Stockbridge.
The purpose of the Commission is to foster reconciliation via practical initiatives and common ground. For example, the first meeting focused on efforts to create a new Revolutionary War monument in Stockbridge that will honor both Mohican and settler Continental Army volunteers from the 18th century. The project has broad support among the Town’s Memorial Day Committee, Parks and Recreation Department, Select Board, and the Tribe.
Other topics discussed including the vision of the Commission and placement of the new Wa’thatinik Housatonic River Crossing signs.
Stockbridge was founded as Indian Town in the 1730s. Its original Board of Selectmen included two tribal representatives on the three-person board. Dozens of Mohicans volunteered during the American Revolution and over a dozen lost their lives in a single battle in New York during the War.
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